Dara Ramadhani




The research was conducted at the village of Lipah Rayek, Bireuen on March 7 to August 8, 2016. This study aims to determine the absorption of macro nutrients (N, P, K) in the sweet corn’s plant due the treatment of two kinds of organic fertilizer. The experimental design was used a randomized block design (RBD) with two factors consist of cattle (P), with three levels are P0 (cattle 0 ton / ha), P1 (cattle 15 ton / ha), P2 (cattle 20 ton / ha) and the provision of compost (K), with three levels are K0 (compost 0 ton / ha), K1 (compost 15 tons / ha), K2 (compost 20 tons / ha) , The parameters observed in this study were height of plant (15, 30 and 45 days after planting), diameter of rod (15, 30, and 45 days after planting), wet of weight, dry of weight, absorption of N, P, and K. These results indicate that the cattle application had no significant effect on all parameters of observation. Giving compost very significant effect on wet of weight and significant effect on height of plant at 15 and 45 days after planting and diameter of rod at 30 days after planting. Wet of weight highest were found in the treatment of compost 0 ton / ha (355.00 g) and the lowest in the treatment of compost 20 tons / ha (278.89 g). The highest height of plant at 15 and 45 days after planting found in compost treatment 0 ton / ha (15 DAP= 46.32 cm; 45 DAP = 166.50 cm) and the lowest in the treatment of compost 20 tons / ha (15 DAP = 42.27 cm; 45 DAP = 152.24 cm). The highest diameter of rod at 30 days after planting was found in the treatment of compost 0 ton / ha (1.68 cm) and the lowest in the treatment of compost 20 tons / ha (1.46 cm). There was no significant interaction on the treatment of cattle and compost in this research.


Keywords: Cattle, Compost, Sweet Corn’s Plant (Zea mays saccharata Sturt L.), Absorption of Macro Nutrient (N, P, K)




Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain ketersediaan hara. Unsur hara dapat ditingkatkan ketersediannya dalam tanah dengan memperbaiki kondisi tanah melalui pemupukan. Tanaman membutuhkan 16 unsur hara esensial yang dibagi dalam dua kelompok, yaitu unsur hara makro dan unsur hara mikro. Unsur hara makro yang diperlukan dalam jumlah lebih banyak yaitu N, P, dan K.  

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