The Role of Local Market Agent on The Price of Cattle to Develop Tropical Farm Small Scale

Sitti Zubaidah




The level of economic competitiveness Indonesia still is lower than the other asean countries, now. As reported by The World Economic Forum in global competitiveness index 2011 - 2012 , that the rank of Indonesia fell to 46 of rank 44 pda year 2010. In addition to increase investment in Indonesia still lags behind with the other asean countries. To comment on the opportunities and challenges, the main strategies traveled are to realize competitiveness various products we seed, including products -- agricultural products.. The development of animal husbandry tropical a small scale is one of a sector which is very important in the national economy . The farm tropical a small scale also sector is capable of creating jobs and bring revenue. The role of agent the local markets it is been helpful in determining the market price cattle, the farmers entrance market that must pass through 3 - 4 agent the local markets so that farmers necessarily not gain a high. Based on disparities price was necessary an effort empowerment improvement program farmers and agent domestic market which include (1) capacity to risk ( nature, economy, political and social ), (2) capacity to business competition and (3) ability to are sprouting sustainability and sustainability food needs , energy demand for men and welfare farmers be achieved.


Key words: local market agent , price of cattle, and tropical farm development

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