Yumnah Fitriyanna Waruwu, Erna Budhiarti Nababan




Knapsack Problem is very important to controlling how many node has crossed at Travelling Salesman Problems (TSP). Usually at TSP, all of the node will be explored to get  the optimal rate at a generation. Apllying the knapack at least had two parameters to work well. In the research, knapsack had two parameters, that is total nodes and weights range. Optimation in TSP can do with calculation of weights range that has a same value one as one solution rate was specify. Total nodes influence how many coordinate point will be crossed. The optimal rate in the problem is technical dependent in mutation processing. A methode dynamic mutations intend to specify of mutation rate at each population. Situation a population of generation will be affect by result from genetic processing. This technical will approach to result it is solutions. By using this method, a genetic process will optimal.

Key words : Knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesman Problem, Optimation, Genetic Algoritm, Dynamic Mutation



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