Sabri Sabri


Urbanization is generally known to the public is the movement of people from rural to urban. Urbanization can be a serious problem for all of us if the government can not regulate and facilitate the 'Urban' who come to the capital with an ever increasing amount each year. The number of significant increase in the urban population without the support and offset the number of jobs, public facilities, law enforcement, housing, food supply and other problems of course is something that should soon find a way out. In contrast to the perspective of science Population experts estimate that the process of urbanization in Indonesia will be more due to rural-urban migration. When the villagers trooped to come to town, looking for a bare livelihood outside of their expertise such as farming, fishing, gardening and others. They were forced to hunt down cheap dollars if only salaried, there is the maid, gardener, although low paid without bargaining. Development that has not been conducive to the growth of the local economy. Road conditions, many villages were not able to access the road so that their crops can not be developed, both sold out of the village or managed into production more promising. Community development programs as a solution to overcome the problems of urbanization in the country is the most appropriate thing to do and continuous. It is time we are proud to build the village. Because the village is the source of life, where our children live with welfare.
Keywords: Urbanization, Migration, rural

Teks Lengkap:



Bintarto, R., (2000), Interaksi Desa-Kota dan Permasalahannya, Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.

Bogdan RC dan Biklen S.K (1982) Qualitative Research for Education: an Intro-duction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.

Korff, Rudiger, (2002), Urbanisasi Di Asia Tenggara, Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Http://organisasi.org/faktor_penarik_dan_pendorong_urbanisasi_perpindahan_pen duduk_dari_desa_ke_kota_masalah_ekonomi_kependudukan_indonesia id.wikipedia. org/wiki/ urbanisasi





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