Wakaf Untuk Pemberdayaan Umat dan Pembangunan Ekonomi

Musrizal Musrizal, Mukhlis Mukhlis




Waqf has an important position in Islam as an instrument of sustainable asset development. Waqf is not only as a form of Muslim generosity to improve the lives of other Muslims in the form of empowerment, but also as part of public policies that can be used to support economic development. Islam's view of assets includes three principles: the principle of how to obtain property (almilkiyah), the principle of how to manage possessed assets (tasharruf fil milkiyah) and the principle of distribution in the midst of community wealth (tauzi’ul tsarwah bayna an-naas)


Keywords: Waqf, Empowerment, Economic Development

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Daftar Pustaka


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Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 25 tahun 2018 tentang wakaf dan hukum-hukum islam.

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Undang-undang Nomor 25 tahun 2018 Tentang Wakaf


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