This study aims to determine the effect of various levels of maturity and immersion with GA3 on viability and vigor of soybean seeds. This research has been conducted in the Agrotechnology Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Muslim.The study was conducted from March to April 2016. The experimental design used in this study was a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of 2 factors. Factor I: Maturity Level (M) consists of 3 levels: M1 = 70 HST (pre physiological), M2 = 90 HST (physiological), M3 = 120 HST (post physiological). Factor II consists of 4 levels: P0 = Without soaking with GA3 (control), P1 = Soaking with GA3 at 10 ppm (0.01 ml), P2 = Soaking with GA3 at 20 ppm (0.02 ml), P3 = Soaking with GA3 at 30 ppm (0.03 ml). The results showed that maturity level significantly affected the viability and vigor of soybean seeds. viability and vigor of the best soybean seeds found at the physiological maturity level (M2). Soaking with GA3 has a very significant effect on the viability and vigor of soybean seeds. viability and vigor of the best soybean seeds found at immersion stage with GA3 at 10 ppm (P1). There is a very real interaction between maturity level and immersion with GA3 on moisture content of seed, seed germination, maximum growth potential, vigor index, growth rate, syncability and normal dry weight of sprouts. viability and vigor of the best soybean seeds are found at M2P1 treatment level
Keywords: Viability, Vigor, GA3
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