Iswadi Iswadi



This article deals with the loss of self-confidence of the Acehnese caused by various unhealthy social, political and economic situations as a result of prolonged conflict coupled with natural disasters and tsunami. The loss of confidence here is related to the loss of ethnicity of the Acehnese people who have been known as successful people in various aspects of human life in the past. The myths of  success of the Acehnese people in the past have been denied as non-existent, in fact they have turned negative stereotypes about Acehnese people who have ruined the ethnicity of ravages in the midst of national and global society. That is why the title of this article is to trace the myths of Acehnese success in the past in order to strengthen the ethnicity of Acehnese post conflict and tsunami. The purpose of this paper is to build a collective awareness and confidence that the Acehnese are a successful nation in the past and reject any negative perceptions about the Acehnese who are seen as absolute truth. In other words, this article deals with the need to strengthen the ethnicity of Acehnese in building their success life through a "mirror" of the past success. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method by collecting various data qualitatively and describing various results of descriptive data analysis. The findings show: 1) The need to revive the myths of Acehnese success in the past to build exemplary present or build success through the myth of success. 2) Rejection  of negative stereotypes about Aceh and Acehnese people by generalizing negative things that seem to have been attached as the  truth. 3) The need to strengthen a culture of success through the myth of past success and build a positive work ethic in the present.

Key words: myths of success, Acehnese, strengthening, ethnicity.

Teks Lengkap:




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