Data processing is computerized into one of the needs of the system used in the field of business. The number of business types that exist in PT Hurip Utama of course computerized data processing is needed, Especially in the field of business as a distributor. Requests from customers create a manual recording system to record all transactions from customer requests and to record all purchase transactions to suppliers are deemed ineffective to meet operational needs of PT Hurip Utama, So the recording with a computerized system is considered necessary because too much data must be stored, because computer data processing makes it easier to search data, recording transactions, and each incoming data more secure and composed. The author tries to make the Final Project on the purchase of non-subsidized urea fertilizer in PT Hurip Utama which until now has not been computerized. The design of this information system is the best solution to solve the problems that exist in this company, as well as with a computerized system can be achieved an effective and efficient activities in support activities in this company. The computerized system is expected to be better than the manual system to run more effectively and efficiently and the current sales system is more conducive than the previous system.
Keywords: Information System Design, Purchase System of Non Subsidized Urea Fertilizer in cash
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