Misnawati .



This thesis is entitled implementing critical incident technique to enhance the students’ writing ability in recount text (a collaborative classroom action research to the first year students of MAN Gandapura). This research was done because many of the students in MAN Gandapura would unable to make a good paragraph of writing although for one paragraph because of that the researcher needed form this research to increase the students’ ability in writing, especially in writing recount text. The researcher conducted the collaborative classroom action research as research methodology and referring to qualitative research. The object of this study was the students at the first year of MAN Gandapura; which consists of thirty students. The researcher found the analysis were the result of this research in MAN Gandapura sufficiently improving recount text through observation checklist, field notes, test and questionnaires as instrument to get the data from the research. The first data collected from observation checklist which the mean score of the observation sheet was increasing through each cycles. Second, the data collected by using field notes which record all the teaching and learning process in both of cycles; cycle 1 and cycle 2. Third, the average score of the students in doing pre-test in the first meeting in cycle 1 was 49, 06 and the average score of the post- test for the cycle 1 was 65,3 and cycle 2 was 72, 7 which more than 70 as criteria of success. The last was questionnaire analyzing of the students responded toward implementation of the critical incident (CI) technique. The result of students score to mark the item in the questionnaire was 80%. It meant the students motivate of using critical incident technique in writing recount text. After the researcher did all steps of the research (cycle 1 and cycle 2). The researcher concluded that the implementation of the critical incident (CI) technique in teaching and learning process could increase students’ ability in writing recount text and got ‘agree’ students’ response when implementing the critical incident technique in the classroom.

Key words: Writing, Recount Text and Critical Incident (CI) Technique


Writing is an activity to write the ideas and the feeling of the item which is displayed in mind. When talking about teaching writing commonly deal with kinds of writing and teaching strategies. There are control writing, guide writing and free writing. The teaching of control writing is usually for the beginner or for the students of senior high school. In this relation, writing is the attention of control composition is usually much right. The teachers’ job is to prove relax control is having the students write what they have the teacher will prove whether the students cable to write and practice it.

According to School Base Curriculum of MAN Gandapura, teaching writing to the first year students is hoped the students are able to express the meaning in short functional written text, simple essay like as Recount text, Narrative text, and Procedure text in real life context. The students are able to express the meaning and rhetoric procedures accurately, fluently, and acceptable by using several written languages in real life context like recount, narrative, and procedure.

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