Sriwinar .



Technological growth of computer expand from time to time and in the end bear the technology recognized with the title internet. Internet represent one part of from result of growth of computer application that is by connecting one computer or computer network to a[n very big computer network. Faculty Of Technique of University Almuslim represent a education institute representing one of faculty of exist in University of Almuslim Bireuen. Technological Exploiting of internet perhaps very required to submit the information and can assist the student in following study start from registration of up to study result later earn in accessing [through/ passing] a special application web manage part of student [in] faculty of technique of University Almuslim. Application base on the such web that is a dynamic website which can manage the data and submit the information of about Faculty Of Technique of University Almuslim which can be updated at any times if there is data change, where in this web will be presented and explicated by information of which deal with student in Faculty Of Technique of University Almuslim which can be accessed through internet. System to be designed perhaps will exploit the software supporting Ianguage pemrograman for the forming of mechanism from information system which have bases of web that is Ianguage of PHP with the storage MySQL.

Kata Kunci: Internet, Website, Information


Intelegensi merupakan kemampuan seseorang dalam memperoleh pengetahuan (mempelajari dan memahami), mengaplikasikan pengetahuan (memecahkan masalah), serta berfikir abstrak. Sedangkan Intelligence Quotient atau IQ adalah skor yang diperoleh dari tes intelegensi. Kecerdasan ini diatur oleh bagian korteks otak yang dapat memberikan kemampuan untuk berhitung, beranalogi, berimajinasi, dan memiliki daya kreasi serta inovasi.

Beberapa faktor lingkungan yang mempunyai efek positif terhadap kecerdasan anak antara lain: hubungan orang tua dan anak, tingkat pendidikan ibu, dan riwayat sosial-budaya. Sedangkan, anak yang tumbuh dengan penghasilan orang tua yang rendah mempunyai risiko tertundanya perkembangan kognitif.

Teks Lengkap:




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Musyawarah, Rina. 2007. Membangun Aplikasi Database Berbasis Web Untuk Pemula. Jogyakarta: Penerbit Alex Media Komputindo.

Budiharto, Widodo & Rahardi Saftian. 2005. Aplikasi Database ORACLE 10g dengan VB6/VB.NET. Jogyakarta: Penerbit Alex Media Komputindo.

Kusrini & Koniyo, Andri. 2007. Membangun Sistem Informasi Akutansi Dengan Visual Basic & Microsoft SQL Server. Jogyakarta: Penerbit Andi.


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