Rina Hanum, Elvi Era Liesmayani


Perineal tears are tears that occur in the perineum during labor and occur in almost all first deliveries and also not infrequently in subsequent deliveries. Binahong plants are believed to accelerate recovery, including perineal lacerations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of binahong leaf boiled water with healing of perineal wounds in puerperal mothers at Sri Diana Lubis Clinic in 2019.The study design uses a quasi-experimental approach with a static group comparison approach that is the research that the treatment has done, then observations or posttests. The population in this study were all postpartum 2 day postpartum mothers who experienced second degree tears of 10 people and all of them were sampled (total population). Data analysis using univariate and bivariate data using the Sign-Wilcoxon test.The results showed that the effectiveness of the growth of Perineum Wounds in Postpartum mothers who consumed boiled water binahong leaves with rapid wound growth <6 days by 5 people (50%), while those who did not consume with normal wound healing 6-7 days were 3 people (30%) and slow wound healing by 2 people (20%).Conclusion there is an effect of the effectiveness of binahong leaf boiled water with healing of perineal wounds in puerperal women at the Sri Diana Lubis Clinic in 2019.

Keywords: Binahong Leaves, Perineum Wound

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