Inventory of Anthelmintic Plant use in Livestock at Sub DAS Krueng Simpo Aceh Province

Iryani Iryani, Eka Arjuliska, Yasir Yasir, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin, Yusmadi Yusmadi, Sitti Zubaidah, Suryani Suryani, Rini Fitri




This study aims to obtain data and information and documentation of plant species are efficacious drugs for de-worming in cattle that has been utilized by the farmers in Sub DAS Krueng Simpo. The data collection of medicinal plants by browsing around the Sub DAS Krueng Simpo used as animal husbandry area. Inventory performed with various sources of literature guide Efficacious Medicinal Plant Inventory. Data type short form of the name, local name, family, and the benefits are arranged in a table. Each of the plants used as medicine in the treatment of worm infections in cattle photographed and sampled to be collected.. The involvement of community/ farmer obtained through interviews with semi-structural interview techniques which are based on a list of questions such as: local names of plants, parts used, its benefits, to utilization, status of the plant (wild / cultivated) and others. Data obtained from this study were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study, there are 9 types of 7 families of plants as a medicine worm infections in cattle in the study site. Part used as medicine worm infections in cattle in the form of leaves, stems, fruit, flowers, rhizomes, tubers, and the meat but the most widely used by the people of Krueng Simpo subzone is meat. Many similarities utilization (processing) medicine for worm infections in livestock that area in Sub DAS Krueng Simpo.


Key words : Subzone, Krueng Simpo, anthelmintic, nutritious plants, animal husbandry area

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