Role of Cytokines and Hormones During of Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy Process in Livestock

Hafizuddin Hafizuddin, Yusmadi Yusmadi, Anwar Anwar




Pregnancy in livestock lasts several stages, where each stage is influenced by a systematic mechanism. The mechanism involves among others cytokines and hormones. In this paper discussed the role of hormones and cytokines during maternal recognition of pregnancy in livestock. Cytokines are known to be involved during the maternal  recognition  of  pregnancy  is  interferon  tau  (IFN-τ)  while  the  hormones  involved  ranging  from progesterone, estrogen  and  prostaglandin. Experimentally the  need  for  increased  research  and  development information related to the role of cytokines and hormones to the development of methods of early pregnancy diagnosis in livestock.


Key words: livestock, pregnancy, interferon tau, steroid, prostaglandin

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