Zulfikar M.Si


This study aims to look at the degree of gastrointestinal the nematodes infestations in cattle based on differences in topography and the influence of age groups. Research using Chi-kwandrat analysis using bovine faecal samples each, 150 bags of highlands and lowlands are divided into 3 age groups of 0-6 months, 7-12 months and > 24 months. Samples tested positive when gastrointestinal nematode worm eggs. The degree of infestation of 22% upland and lowland 66.7%. There is a noticeable difference (P <0.05) higher prevalence lowlands. Intensity eggs per gram of feces (TPGT) age groups using analysis of T Test matches plateau 0-7 months age group by 32%, 22% 7-12 months and> 12 months of 12%. Occurs real difference (P <0.05) to the age group, younger age and higher plains showing results 0-6 month age group by 58%, age 7-12 months by 66% and the group> 12 at 76% there is a difference significantly (P <0.05) between the age groups, adult higher than the young.

Keywords: the gastrointestinal nematodes, highland, lowland, age group

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