Amiruddin Idris


As to this watchfulness aim is to gets description about phenomenon supported by empirical proof and has been found clarity with conclusion about influence from Work motivation, and Entrepreneurship towards performance civil servants service and the implication in Service Performance SKPD At Aceh Province.  This research is supposed can give contribution for order government governance, performance civil servants and officials performance related to public waitress. This dissertation is supposed can give contribution for organization theory development and management theory HRD, especially about order government governance, performance civil servants and officials performance related to public waitress.  Watchfulness uses technique proporsionale stratistified random sampling, with sample total as much as 270 respondents. As to analysis method used, using verification method. While analysis used to be path analysis.  Watchfulness Result shows quantity direct influence total and not direct from from variable: Work motivation, and Entrepreneurship towards performance civil servants service area at Aceh Province as big as 21,42 percents. Performance influence civil servants towards officials performance related to public waitress at big influential Aceh Province 83,63 percents. As to hypothesis testing result declares that found influence significant from Work motivation, and Entrepreneurship towards performan-ce civil servants service area, so also influence existence significant from performance civil servants towards service area officials performance at Aceh Province.

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