AICSTS Social and Humanities Proceeding Education Chapter

Boriboon Pinprayong, Mohamad Ali FulazzakyMohamad Ali Fulazza Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky, Gregory Vanderbilt, Gloria Shiela E Coyoca and Cornelis Johan



Boriboon Pinprayong: ASEAN ICT Manpower: (Case Study of Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam)

1 Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky: Water Quality Evaluation System for Assessing the Status and Suitability of the Citarum River Water for Various Uses and Its Aquatic Ecosystem

12 Gregory Vanderbilt: Religious Memory and Scientific Ethics after Hiroshima and Nagasaki

28 Gloria Shiela E Coyoca: Undertaking Global Health Issues through Research and Innovation

36 Cornelis Johan (Keess) Stigter: Climate Change: Its Danger for Our Production and Why it Escapes Our Prediction 38

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