Iswadi Iswadi, Nurul Annisa Muthia



The title of this research is  The element of love for didactic values  as reflected in the novel Tempat Paling Sunyi By Arafat Nur. The problem of the research are: 1) how does the author describe the element of love as reflected in the novel Tempat Paling Sunyi by Arafat Nur; 2) how does the author describe the appearance of element of love as reflected in the novel Tempat Paling Sunyi by Arafat Nur. The objective of this research are: 1) to describe and to analyze the element of love as reflected in the novel Tempat Paling Sunyi by Arafat Nur; 2) to know why of the author describe the appearances of element of love as reflected in the novel Tempat Paling Sunyi by Arafat Nur. Tempat Paling Sunyi is a novel that tells us about  society and morality in Aceh where the author seem to relate it with the elements of love through the characters who are facing the conflict and climax. The element of love contributes to the formation of novel. The elements of love will form a good novel, as well as otherwise. The methodology used in this research is library research. It is a kind of research where the data taken in the collection of books and some sources from library. The way of collecting data is divided into two forms of sources, it is from primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the main data that taken from the novel, and the secondary data taken from some books or desk observation (internet) that also related with the problem. The way of data analysis followed the three components consisted of data reduction, data display and data verification. The result of the research for first problem are consist of: 1) the element of  love; 2) some factors that caused the appearance of elements of love; 3) the impact of the elements of love. The researcher get the result of the research for second problems are concerned with the relation between elements of love and the characters in the novel as a portrait of human life that can be taken as a moral teaching or didactic values.

Keywords: Novel Tempat Paling Sunyi, element of love

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