Silvi Listia Dewi, Annisa .


The researchers found some problems were faced by students and teacher in teaching-learning process of reading comprehension in the classroom. The problems were faced by teacher such as: the material in teaching and learning process was not updated, and the teacher still used the conventional ways such as speech method and recitation method in teaching English in the classroom, the teacher just read the passage and discussed with the whole class, so the students did not have time to share their ideas with their friends about the passage freely. Moreover, the teacher’s explanation was considered fast and the teacher’s instruction to the students was not clearly. Meanwhile, the problems were faced by students, such as: the students often got difficulties in understanding the reading text especially descriptive text because they have lack of vocabulary, the students got difficulties in getting the main idea of the text, and the students got difficulties in finding out the detail information of the identification and description in descriptive text. The researchers give the solutions to solve the problem by reading comprehension using Read, Imagine, Describe, Evaluate, Repeat (RIDER) strategy. The purpose of this research are: 1) To know RIDER strategy can enhance students’ reading comprehension to second year students of SMPN 1 Peusangan. 2) To know students’ response in learning reading comprehension through RIDER strategy to the second year students of SMPN 1 Peusangan. The methodology of this research is collaborative action research; the setting of this research was SMP Negeri 1 Peusangan. The sample of this research was the Second year students of class VIII/7 which total students were 30 students. The instrument was used in this research such as: tests, observation checklist for the researchers and students, questionnaires, and field note. The data analyzed through qualitative research. The mean score of the cycle 1 was 65,33 and categorized good. The mean score for cycle 2 was 78,66 and categorized very good. It was proved by the mean of the cycle 2 was better than 1. The result of teacher’s performance in teaching reading comprehension of the cycle 1 was 70,17% and the result of teacher’s performance in the teaching reading comprehension of the cycle 2 was 83,85%. While the result of students’ activities in learning reading comprehension of the cycle 1 was 72,54% and the result of students’ activities in learning reading comprehension of the cycle 2 was 84,31. The improvement also was found of the students’ result in responding toward the implementation of RIDER strategy was 3,57. The result of the research was proved that the implementation of problem based using RIDER strategy in reading comprehension especially in descriptive Text was effective and had to increase the students comprehend the text.
Keywords: Reading Comprehension, RIDER strategy

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