ANALISIS DIMENSI SOSIAL EKONOMI KEBERLANJUTAN PENGELOLAAN TAMAN WISATA ALAM LAUT (TWAL) PULAU WEH (Sustainability dimension of social economy analysis of the Marine Recreational Park (MRP) Management in Weh Island)

Muhammad Aris, Achmad Fahrudin dan Etty Riani



The purpose of this research is to determine the sustainability status in the dimension of social economy of Marine Recreational Park Weh Island. The method used in this research is Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) with RAPFISH (rapid appraisal technique for evaluating fisheries sustainability) software. The analysis result indicates that the dimension social economy is quite sustainable with index 56.75. The social economy condition provides enough support for the sustainable development of Marine Recreational ParkWeh Island. However, the improvement of managament effort must be done continuously with high consideration on 3 highly sensitive attributes namely the community’s knowledge regarding policies, community support, and the community dependency on the area.

Kata kunci: Dimension of social economy, Marine Recreational Park Weh Island, sustainability status

Teks Lengkap:




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