Zainuddin Z


The aims of this research is to isolate escherichia coli that produced penicilinase. In this study 15 isolate of Escherichia coli were isolated from catlles, goats and broiler chickens. Theh isolation and the test were conducted base on lennette method. Sensitivity test of escherichia coli to ampicillin were conducted using Kirby-Bauer method and the value graded as National Committe for Clinical Laboratory Standard (NCCLS). The test for penicillinase were done by using cephalosporin cromogenic disc. The result of sensitivity test shows that 3 isolates of escherichia coli from cattles are sensitive to ampicillin, 2 isolates are intermediate, 1 isolate frome broiler chicken sensitive to ampicillin, 2 isolates are resistant and to isolates are intermediate. All isolates from goat are resistant to ampicillin. Then, the penicillinase test to escherichia coli isolate that resistant to ampicillin are 3 isolate from goats and 2 isolates from broiler chickens are positive produced penicillinase.
Keyword : escherichia coli, penicillinase, cefalosporine cromogenic

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