Successful breastfeeding infants in early life can contribute to the confidence the capital, giving the effect of success and duration of breastfeeding. Achievement of exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia in 2012 amounted to 48.6% and 51.5% Bengkulusebesar City. Mood after childbirth affect breastfeeding success. Music therapy has been proven as a relaxation therapy that will be relaxed and the mood becomes better. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of therapy classical music (Mozart) on milk production in the first week of birth in the city of Bengkulu year 2015. This study is a quasi experimental research, with the approach after only with control design. The study population was third trimester pregnant women who were in the city of Bengkulu 2015. The sample consisted of three groups: the intervention group 1, 2 intervention and without intervention. Sampling was done by purporsive sampling, a total sample of 45 people. Symptoms of postpartum blues is measured using a questionnaire Edinbrugh Posnatal Depression Scale. Data was analyzed by univariate and bivariate. Results of univariate analysis showed that the majority (55.6%) with less milk production. There is no parity relationship (p = 0.916) and support of health workers (p = 0.932) with the production of breast milk after birth. There is a support relationship with her husband and family milk production after birth (p = 0.032). No effect of therapy classical musi c (Mozart) during pregnancy-puerperal to milk production, where milk production is more the group of mothers who were given music therapy during pregnancy and postpartum (p = 0.012 and OR = 11). Summed up the importance of creating a relaxed atmosphere in the mother during pregnancy and after childbirth is very important for the process of milk production. One of them is by listening to classical music.
Keywords: Therapy classical music (Mozart), milk production
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