Desi Ariyanti, Razia Begum Suroyo, Jitasari Tarigan Sibero


Indicator of community health and welfare are characterized by the number of maternal death, the number of infant deaths and life expectancy. Based on data on infant mortality in Gandapura Health Center in 2016 as many as 12 babies, while in 2017 the number of infants who died was 9 people. this study was to determine the relationship of quality, quantity, timeliness, cost/resource effectiveness, need for supervision and the influence of interpersonal relationships with defining factor of midwife performance in neonatal care at Gandapura Health Center Bireuen District in 2018. The research design used in this study is mixed methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The population in this study was 32 village midwives at Gandapura Health Center and the sampling technique used was the total population. Quantitative analysis using univariate and bivariate using Chi-square test. Data collection techniques were primary, secondary and tertiary and qualitative data analysis with reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. Results: Statistical test results obtained p value service quality = 0,002, service quantity = 0,141, timeliness = 0,112, cost/resource effectiveness = 0,015, need for supervision = 0,005, and the influence of interpersonal relationships = 0,006. The results of this study were strengthened by in-depth interviews that the performance problem of midwives at Gandapura Health Center Bireuen District was the quality of neonatal care. Con clusions It can be cocluded that there is a relationship between service quality, cost/resource effectiveness, the need for supervision, the influence of interpersonal relationships and there is no relationship between service quantity and timeliness with defining factor of midwife performance in neonatal care. It is hoped that this research can provide reinforcement through improving the performance of midwives.


Keywords: Performance Defining Factor, Midwives, Neonatal Care

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