Noviana Zara, Zulhaida Lubis, Zulhaida Lubis, Albiner Siagian, Albiner Siagian


Dewantara Health Centre was the biggest public health centre in North Aceh District and malnutrition was still found in this district. This study aimed to find out family characteristics, and the nutritional status of toddlers (Weight/Age) at Dewantara Health Centre North Aceh District 2017.It applied quantitative observational research with cross sectional method. The population were all the infants who visited the centre during the study in Dewantara Health Centre North Aceh District. The samples were chosen by cluster sampling, to get representative samples and the samples were taken from each village. The data were collected by questionnaire and analysed by Chi Square Test.The result of the study found that there was no relation between the toddlers’ nutrition status and the variables; the age toddlers and the mothers’ education. Whereas the variables that related to the toddlers’ nutrition status were the mothers’ knowledge, the mothers’ work and the family income. The Chi Square Test found that the mothers’ knowledge (p=0,000), the mothers’ work (p=0,000) and family income (p=0,000).It was suggested to the mother’s toddlers to increase their income by utilizing the existing jobs so they could increase the purchasing power of nutrition food to improve the nutrition status of toddlers in Dewantara Health Centre North Aceh. Keywords : Family Characteristics, Toddlers, Nutritional Status

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