Siti Nidia Isnin



On 26th of December 2004, a giant wave ‘Tsunami’ was triggered by enourmous earthquake of 9 richter scale in magnitude located in Indian Ocean, to the west of Sumatra Island. Ulee Lheue is one of many villages that is bordered directly with coastal area and had endured negative impacts in term of damaging lands and infrastructures, especially residential buildings which are the private property of the people. This event is critical to study further focusing on ‘Residential Buildings Risk Level against Tsunami in Ulee Lheue Village, Meuraxa Sub-district, Banda Aceh’, in order to initiate disaster risk reduction activities. This study is aiming to determine the level of the Tsunami potential danger, to determine the level of vulnerability of Residential Buildings against the Tsunami and to determine the level of the residential buildingsrisk against the Tsunami . Determining the level of the Tsunami potential danger is based on coastal line inundation modelling which are 1 m, 2 m, 5 m, 15 m and 30 m. This study is considered the residential buildings as element at risk. The level of residential buildings vulnerability risk against the Tsunami is based on relative vulnerbility index (RVI) of PTVA-3 model and its modifications. The level of the residential buildings risk against the Tsunami is based on building nominal losses classification. The risk level of residential building according to PTVA-3 and modification model, the majority of Ulee Lheue residential buildings are at loss level class 1 and class 2.

Keyword: Risk, Tsunami, Residential Buildings, Ulee Lheue Village

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