Eli Nofriati, Misnar Misnar


The title of this thesis is Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Role Play Technique by using Upin Ipin Animation Video as Media. This research was designed in collaborative classroom action research to the second semester students at English Department of Almuslim University. The researcher put two research problems in this research. The purpose of this research were: 1) to investigate the implementation of role play technique improve the students’ speaking skill; 2) to know the students’ response toward the implementation of role play technique by using Upin Ipin animation video as media in learning speaking. The research subject of this research was the second semester students at English Department. Here, the researcher used observation sheet, test, the question naire and field note as research instruments in collecting the data. After conducting the research, the researcher found some the research findings. The first finding was found from the observation sheet. The percentage of the researcher’s performance in the first cycle was 75% and it increased to be 85% in the second cycle. Where as the percentage of the students’ activity in the first cycle was 60% but in the cycle 2 it increased to be 75%. The second finding was found from the students’ speaking test. The result of the students’ speaking test showed that in the first cycle the students’ mean score of speaking test was 60 and in cycle 2 the students’ mean score was to be 80. The last finding was gotten from the result of questionnaire. From the questionnaire, the researcher found that the students gave the positive and good response toward the implementation of role play technique by using Upin Ipin animation video as media in learning speaking. It can be proved by the score of the students’ response was 4.00 or in criteria “strongly agree”. So, based on the research findings, it could be concluded that the implementation of role play technique by using Upin Ipin animation video as media improved the students’ speaking skill and could motivate the students’ activity in speaking class.

Keywords:   speaking skill, role play, Upin Ipin, animation video

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