Chalil As'ari, Iswadi Iswadi


This research aims to improve students’ speaking skill, to find out their responses toward the implementation of listening team strategy and to improve their teacher’s performance. The subjects of the research were the first year students of Study Program in English Language Education at Almuslim University. The classroom action research design was used and done in two cycles. The result shows that the implementation of listening team strategy was effective to improve the students’ speaking skill. The mean score of post-test was 67.1 in cycle 1. At the last performance of the second cycle, the mean score reached 81. Furthermore, the observation checklist result indicated that the percentage of the students’ participation in the teaching and learning process increased. The percentage of the students’ involvement was 70.7 in the first cycle. It increased up to 95.7 in the second cycle. It means that the listening team strategy was successfully implemented in speaking class, whereas the teacher’s performance improved as well. The score percentage of teacher’s performance was 72.3% in the first cycle and it reached 97.1% in the second cycle. Moreover, based on the result of the questionnaire, it shows that the students responded positively toward the implementation of listening team strategy. Thus, based on the research findings, it is suggested that teachers should use listening team strategy as an alternative strategy to improve speaking skill.

Key words:   Speaking Skill, Listening Team Strategy

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