Iswadi Iswadi



The title of this research is An Analysis of Acehnese Morality in the Authority of Local Party as Reflected in the Novel Tanah Surga Merah By Arafat Nur. This novel was published in 2016 and the  problems of the research are: 1) How does the author describe the potrait of Acehnese morality as reflected in novel Tanah Surga Merah by Arafat Nur; 2) How does the author describe the authority of local party in Aceh as reflected in novel Tanah Surga Merah by Arafat Nur. The objective of this research are: 1) to describe and analyse the potrait of Acehnese morality as reflected in novel Tanah Surga Merah by Arafat Nur; 2) to describe and analyse the authority of local party in Aceh as reflected in novel Tanah Surga Merah by Arafat Nur. Tanah Surga Merah is a novel that tells us about morality and authority of local party in Aceh. The authority of local party is the power of the local party in influencing the society to achieve a goal. Authority of local party have some influence to the country and society. Acehnese morality is refer to attitudes, ethics,and the way of  Acehnese  how they judge good or bad. Acehnese morality here is closely related to the authority of local party. The authority of local party contributes to the formation of acehnese morality. The authority of a good local party will form a good acehnese morality, as well as otherwise. The methodology used in this research is library research. It is a kind of research where the data taken from the collection of books, and some other sources. The way of   collecting data consist of two forms of sources;  from primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the main data that taken from the novel, and secondary data taken from another books or through the desk observation (internet) that also related with the problem. The way of data analysis followed the three components consisted of data reduction, data display and data verification. The result of the research for first problem are consist of: 1) An analysis of Acehenese Morality; a) Acehnese morality in the reality, b) Acehnese morality in the novel. 2) An analyis of  the authority of  local party consist of: a) A potrait of  the authority of  local party in Aceh b) An analyis of  the authority of local party in the novel. The reseracher get the  result of the research for second problems are concerned with  the relationship  between Acehnese morality and authority of  local party in Aceh.

Keywords: Novel Tanah Surga Merah, Acehnese morality, authority of local party

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