Iswadi Iswadi



This research article is concerned with the way of thinking and the way of life for getting opportunities in Aceh after conflict and tsunami, but they do not realize that they will not be able to gain some of those opportunities because they are not supported by their skill. The objective of this research is to create a new consciousness in solving the problem after conflict and tsunami related to the way of thinking. The scope is focused on an acronym of Aceh as the easy way for approaching Acehnese society related to the social reality in Aceh post conflict and tsunami. The methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative method and the result showed that the main problem here is the low of human resources development during the conflict era and after tsunami in Aceh. It seems that Acehnese need to find the easy way without thinking about the main competence and their educational background. That’s why they are not ready for facing the national and also global competitiveness.

Kata kunci: Aceh, acronym, easy way and political trauma

Teks Lengkap:




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