Khairul Hasni



Developing countries have a majority of the environmental problems. Indonesia has become a daunting lesson, particularly in North Aceh, Aceh Jaya and South West. Environmental damaged because of mercury has been hot news in Aceh, and mercury become international business community committed to economic improvement for the people. Every human being has the right has benefit a healthy environment over the future regarding of the universal right. Environment has an important role  that is closely related to human, if contamination has the problem in community will be obtained in the response to be given special attention by goverment. Mercury is a very dangerous pollution that is Minamata Japan's experiences in 1953, has an impact on human suffering  for humans and the environment. However, now a wretched case of mercury found in North Aceh in 2010, and 2009 in the South West and Aceh Jaya, the impact of the river in Aceh Jaya district and in 2014 afflicts to children become of victim to the death of infants babies. The issue of mercury problem will be takes time to give awareness because the economic  more get special attention community to cover cost of family in Aceh. This cases the local government have responsibility to provide protection to the public against the dangers of mercury reduction. The government should minimize the risk of  was contaminated mercury around residents and the environment that was impacted of which can lead to neurological disorders, brain damage, kidney, lung and health problems for humans who consume foods that has been contaminated by mercury through the water.

Keyword: Mercury, Lingkungan, Industri dan Pemerintah.


Aceh Utara adalah salah satu kabupaten yang ada di provinsi Aceh, yang terletak di wilayah barat Indonesia dan berada pada lintang utara dengan iklim tropis Nomor 18. 2003 tentang Pemindahan Ibukota Kabupaten Aceh Utara dari Wilayah Lhokseumawe ke Lhoksukon, karena daerah Lhokseumawe telah dijadikan wilayah otonom atau perkotaan. Namun, proses pemindahan kegiatan pemerintahan yang membutuhkan waktu sehingga sebagian kegiatan masih berada dan berlangsung di Kota Lhokseumawe. Faktor lain karena sarana dan prasarana yang terdapat di Lhoksukon belum rampung dilakukan. Kabupaten Aceh Utara yang ibukota Lhoksukon dan Kota Lhokseumawe. Aceh Utara merupakan salah satu wilayah perindustrian yang terdapat di Sumatera Indonesia. Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Aceh Utara sangat baik selama aktif beberapa industri besar seperti Exxon Mobil (Migas), PIM (Pupuk Iskandar Muda), dan beberapa industri lain.

Teks Lengkap:




Bps. 2011. Statistic Daerah Kabupaten Aceh Utara 2011. Banda Aceh: Bps

Bps Dan Bappeda Kab.Aceh Utara. Indikator Ekonomi Kabupaten Aceh Utara Tahun 2011. Banda Aceh: Bps

Bps Dan Bppd Kabupaten Aceh Utara. 2011. Aceh Utara Dalam Angka 2011. Banda Aceh: Bps.

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Ebuah Pelajaran Dari Tragedi Minamata (水俣病, Minamata Byō), December 21, 2012,

Kpknl Lhokseumawe, Lelang Asset Exxon Mobil 25 September 2013, Pukul 13:55. Https://Www.Djkn.Kemenkeu.Go.Id/Berita/Kpknl-Lhokseumawe-Lelang-Aset-Exxonmobil

Krueng Sabe Tercemar Mercury, Aceh Kita.

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Penjerapan Merkuri Pada Limbah Cair Dengan Zeolit Alam Dan Arang Tempurung Kelapa Secara Bergantian Dengan Cara Catu Supardi, Busron Masduki, Herry Poernomo Dan Paul Pujiono,Puslitbang Teknologi Maju Batan, Yogyakarta

Perjanjian Baru tentang Mercury Ditandatangani Minggu ini, Dapatkan mencegah terulangnya Tragedi Minamata di tempat lain?, Published October 9, 2013,

Pengguna Merkuri Masih Menjamur di Aceh Jaya Selasa, 20 Mei 2014 serambi Indonesia

Penyelesaian Kasus Buyat,

Seminar Research Publication by Jari Aceh, The Marginalized Community in the Environment Corporate Exxon Mobil in North Aceh In Lhokseumawe, 13 September 2012

Panduan Singkat Perjanjian Baru Tentang Mercury, IPEN Heavy Metals Working Group, April 2013.

Tambang Emas Tradisional Pidie yang Kembali Telan Korban

Wawancara dengan Pemerintah Daerah dan Masyarakat


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