Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Rizal dan Najmuddin


Islamic law came from the Government's policy on the use privileges Aceh. The policy was born from the central level to the local level. The Aceh government to make policies against Islamic law. The policy has many dimensions, so as to understand the necessary steps to analyze some of the government's policy toward Islamic law. Therefore, as the author would like to do some research about the policy and its effects on the implementation of Islamic law in Bireuen which aims to determine government policy and its effects on the implementation of Islamic law in Bireuen. To get answers to these research goals, the author uses qualitative research methods with descriptive approach, the author will describe the policy and its influence against implementation of sharia in Bireuen. Data collection techniques that the author did was to observation, interview and documentation study. While the authors do perform data analysis stages of reduction, display, and the data trigulasi. The research results are 1) The government's policy towards the implementation of Islamic law in Aceh and Bireuen in particular is still limited to the preparation of work programs, various activities of the work program is expected to encourage the creation of Islamic law that kaffah, 2) The people consider that the implementation of Islamic law need for evaluation of various systems implementation, so that within 12 years the application of Islamic law can give change to people's lives on earth Serambi Mekkah, 3) Support from the public and the DPR Aceh a provision for the government in implementing Islamic law in Aceh, however improvement legal framework relating to Islamic law need to be resolved, as well as the strategic plan implementation of Islamic law in Aceh.

Keywords: The policy, Implementation, Islamic law

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