Muyassir Dr


Have been conducted research in Blang Ubo-Ubo, Panca, and Cot Seuribe Aceh Besar Regency
as a mean to know the potency of farm resource for the development of grass the livestock food,
knowing energy support the farm to set of ideal livestock unit as according to existing resource
ability, knowing technology of management of land resource to be can be productive everlastingly.
Result of research indicate that the area represent the area which enough according to for the
development of ranch. Constrictor factor its use limitation irrigate the, erosion danger, and low
fertility of the soil. The land resource are very potential for the product increase of livestock of
approach intensification, and or extensification. Land resource potency which have used to various
development need 664,81 ha ( 17,92%), areal reserve which still be potential for the development of
ranch a period to coming reaching 3.045,19 ha ( 82,08%). From all planned development area
potency, powered farm only 4,93% in Blang Ubo-Ubo, 13,23% in Panca, and 5,23% in Cot Seuribe,
the rest of between 86,8% until 95,07% not yet optimal. Capacities accommodate the ox livestock in
Blang Ubo-Ubo 6.049 UT, Cot Seuribe 12.612 UT, and goat in Panca as much 9.297 UT. Potency of
the capacities accommodate the livestock of area ox as much 5.751 until 11.952 UT and goat as much
8.067 UT. Sum up the livestock which admit of accommodated in area of Blang Ubo-Ubo by Cot is
Seuribe reach 18.661 UT, and 8.067 UT in Panca.
Keyword; potency, Land reources, ranch, Aceh Besar.

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